Saturday 23 June 2012

How to Become the Centre of Attention........

  1. Always look your best.
  2. Cultivate a good attitude and be good natured about things.
  3. Believe in yourself.
  4. Don't try to become someone you are not.
  5. Think happy thoughts
  6. Be inviting.
  7. Speak in a normal tone.
  8. Do not try too hard
  9. Be fun and have fun.
  10. Being the center of attention often requires you to act as a Leader, so Do not feel that you always have to follow the crowd.
  11. It can be emotionally and physically draining to be the center of attention all the time, so be willing to step back and let others shine
  12. Act random sometimes in a small group, and if there's a bigger group make a whole lot of jokes even if they're stupid. 

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