Friday 21 September 2012

Tips to remove dark circles

Dark circles tend to give you aged look more than wrinkles or grey hair. Dark circles make you look worn out. There are many reasons of behind dark circles like genetics, stress, age or allergies. Home remedies are ideally best for removing dark circles.

1.      To prevent dark circles one should take at least 7 hours of sleep daily. This will keep you fresh. 

2.      The main reason of dark circles is consumption of drugs. Try to avoid drinking and smoking as much as you can. 
3.      As pollution and stress levels have increased with time so before sleeping use good quality night cream. This will make you look younger and reduce dark circles.
4.      Drink plenty of water to lighten the dark circles.

5.      Taking excess of salt can result in puffiness under the eyes. So reduce the salt intake.
6.      Use the cucumber slices to reduce the dark circles as well as puffiness.

7.      Eat balanced diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.  
8.      Use the almond oil under the eyes. At least for two weeks massage with almond oil.
9.      Tea bags can also be used to remove the dark circles. You just need to keep the tea bags in the refrigerator at night and then use it in the morning.

10.  You can use the rose water to remove dark circles. Dip the cotton in the rose water and apply it under your eyes for 10 minutes daily.

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