Monday 3 September 2012

How to look attractive in pictures

Not everyone is photogenic but there are some tips which are as follows that help you to look attractive in pictures
Turn to face towards right.
According to the latest research the left side of your face is the appealing part. In this research they stated that left cheek displays more emotions that make you look charming. While photo shoot the people should move their face to the right because it will show more your left cheek in pictures.

Make your face look shiny and bright.
To make your face glow boost your smile along with the shiny gloss on your lips. This will give radiant look to your face.
Stand straight
If you are fat then stand up straight, turn slightly to the side and look towards the camera. This posture will make you look slim and smart
Drop the double chin.
Be cautious of short cameramen. Suppose the lens of camera is below your eye level, then you’ll put on an extra chin. It should be at your eye level or above.

Pay attention to the lighting.
During the photo shoot stand behind the sun or away from overhead lights and slightly tilt your chin upwards. This will make your pictures look brighter.
Say "Cheese"
Always smile in relaxed manner. Never make the fake smile rather it should appear to be natural. While standing in front of mirror you can practice smiling
Widen your eyes.
Make your eyes look wider by applying darker shadow colors and mascara.

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