Wednesday 5 September 2012

How to look attractive in shorts.

Your Legs Must be in Shape: Do exercise daily like jumping rope and running more to reduce extra fat and also do exercise of thies.
Shave Your Legs: Make sure that there should not be excess hairs on your legs and any spot and cut on it.Use shaving cream or do waxing to give legs a clean look.

Try Shorts That Suit Your figure: Wear shorts that suit your figurelike if you are fat then wear shorts of low waist otherwise high waist shorts suit you alot.
Find Shirts To Match the Shorts:The shirts should match the shorts like the colour and the style and if it does not  match then shorts do not look good.
Wear Shorts With Confidence:You must be in confidence in shorts .Just think that you have the best and unique legs that look very beautiful.

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